
The broken years

Movie the broken years

Technical Information

  • Director
    Gerardo Tort
  • Screenplay
    Marina Stavenhagen
  • Producer
    Ozcar Ramírez González
  • Genre
  • Lenght
    110 Min.
  • Countries
    Mexico, Spain, Uruguay


Any given sunday Carlos meets an old friend from high school. And just like that, he acknowledges his brother Joel, who disappeared 30 years before and was believed to be death, was seen alive years after his disappearance.
Carlos and his adoptive son Santiago -who is actually son of Joel- jump into a trip to find the truth about his destiny. Because on the testimonies of those who met him, both will try to reconstruct his story, to understand the reasons why he abandoned his family and son to join the guerrilla, and will question their own lives as they get to know one of Mexico`s most painful passages of recent history: the dirty war of the 70´s.