
9 months 9 days

Movie 9 months 9 days
Movie 9 months 9 days
Movie 9 months 9 days
Movie 9 months 9 days
Movie 9 months 9 days

Technical Information

  • Director
    Ozcar Ramírez González
  • Producers
    Sandra Paredes, Trisha Ziff,Ixchel Coutiño, Estrella Araiza
  • Music
    Michael Nyman
  • Genre
  • Lenght
    80 min.
  • Laguages
    Spanish - English
  • Country
    Mexico - Netherlands


A fishing boat is found adrift near the Marshall Islands with three Mexican fishermen after 9 months and 9 days adrift in the Pacific Ocean. Weeks later they signed a contract with Joe Kissac to make a film about their ordeal. Joe is convinced their survival is a miracle, a message from God he has to spread. The fishermen survived the ocean, but now they must navigate the more sophisticated and discreet dangers awaiting in land. It seems the real journey has just begun.